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About Math Planets

Whether they love math already or are on their way to loving math, our students receive educational support by having fun. Our gamified classes have created a fun and supportive environment for young minds to grow and thrive. 


Many adults, even within the education system, often discuss the difficulties students have with mathematics due to a lack of knowledge. On the outside looking in, this idea may be true, as math test scores have decreased throughout the years on a national level. However, context matters. In reality, children and teenagers, just like adults, all learn in different ways and often grow tired of formal educational systems. Our younger generations have faced and continue to face many obstacles in education; their needs are often not met for a multitude of reasons. Often, educators and parents expect the young to grasp knowledge nearly instantaneously in the way that they were once thought, but this is simply not the case. Students are often told that they should understand something because it is “easy"; when we do this, our children often learn to hate education because learning becomes a chore.


Here at Math Planets, we take a different approach and try to make learning the "hard" concepts of mathematics fun and easy for kids. A lot of our students have disabilities, so we see first hand the ways the educational system may fail them and students without disabilities.


At Math Planets, we have found six steps to make learning anything more fun for your kids, and in return, they can thrive in their educational journey.




At Math Planets, we are big advocates of gamification. We have gathered a library of math games, online and original. We believe that you learn more when you have fun learning it; this can make education feel more natural, thus no longer feeling like a chore.




Making your kids familiar with math vocabulary makes everything way easier. Recognizing and understanding math concepts, methods, and terminology all together is key. Understanding one without the others leaves room for misunderstandings and forces students to rely on memorization; strictly using memorization often leads confusion and difficulty, which is why we support our students in understanding all areas of math- not just the calculations.




There are a lot of benefits to having a mentor. An effective mentor can help make learning fast, effective, and easier, instead of trying to figure things out by yourself. Our coaches act as mentors for students; ensuring that they are supported in as many ways as possible.




Some students rely on mental math while others prefer using a calculator. Other students may like drawing pictures, and some students may prefer to write things out. Understanding and using all of these methods efficiently leads to success in and outside of math. This process helps our students work on their problem solving skills that can be transferred elsewhere. All students learn differently, so we strive to meet their needs and share other methods that can enrich their current processes.




Education does not always have to take place in a formalized setting like a classroom. In fact, many of the best learning moments happen outside of formal settings. Magical Moments are impromptu moments in which you can use to impart some wisdom. Students often find formal schooling to be burdensome, as they do not see how what they learn is applicable in real life. Using what they know in the moment as a way to learn shows students that there is value in learning math beyond getting a good grade in school. There is no faster way for teaching math than practical math. Our coaches work to connect how math concepts are used in every day life and careers our students may be interested in.




Simply being there to guide them and cheer them up when the going gets tough will always make things easier. Encouraging our students during those hard questions relieves pressure and is a big factor to how they develop. Helping them with their assignments with guiding questions and determining where they are having trouble are key here. Listening to them when they talk about what may be causing difficulties for them or assisting them in knowing what the difficulty is extends beyond the classroom; knowing their struggles and sharing with parents helps students have a supportive environment all around.




Learning can be easy and fun if done the right way. This is what we do at Math Planets- We help children learn complex concepts while having fun! Improvement and excelling in our classes leads to our students establishing and growing their confidence not only in math, but also in themselves.


We want to provide a positive and long-lasting impact on your children’s lives. Join Math Planets now!

Online Teacher
Math Notebook and Calculator

Mission & Vision

We strive to support the up and coming generation, especially for those who are disadvantaged. Through our engaging, gamified curriculum and ongoing support, our students gain the confidence they need to achieve their personal goals and grow into thriving young adults. Building their confidence and seeing them succeed is our ultimate goal.

Math Formulas


As education about disabilities and illness increases, parents are looking for more ways to support their children. At Math Planets, we base our curriculum and methods on lived experience and the latest research to ensure students are supported, no matter their background, ability and more. 

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